License Agreement

This are the terms of the License, applicable when purchasing Ewires Wireframe kit.

License for Ewires Wiraframe Kit

By purchasing this resource (“item” or “file”) you are being granted a license to use these files for specific uses under certain conditions. Ownership remains with Ewires. You must comply with the our license terms.

The “Ewires” license grants the You a non-exclusive, worldwide license to utilize this kit. You are licensed to use the Item to create unlimited End Products for yourself or for your clients and the End Product may be sold, licensed, sub-licensed or freely distributed.


  • Create an End Product for a client
  • Use, Modify or manipulate Ewires with royalty free use of resources for any or all of your personal and commercial projects.
  • This is a ‘multi-use’ license, which means you may use an Item multiple times, in multiple projects.
  • You are not required to attribute or link to Template in any of projects.


  • You cannot Redistribute ,resell, lease, license, sub-license or offer the file downloaded to any third party. For any resalable web applications or software programs, you should not include any graphic resources as an additional attachment. This will be considered as a redistribution of our resources which is forbidden.
  • You cannot use the End Product in a product offered for sale where the item contributes to the core value of the product being sold. For example re-sell on a website or marketplace as a wireframe kit.

End Products and General clauses

  • End Products include but are not limited to: Websites, mobile apps, web apps, games, themes, and presentations.
  • The resource is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and non-infringement.
  • The authors or copyright holders will not be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
  • License is for the Ewires kit and does not include any future standalone Products – only additions and updates for this product.
  • Ewires reserves the rights to change prices, kit contents and future developments and revise the resources usage policy in any moment.

Let’s Talk

Please contact us for any question, suggestion or query.